Is It Possible To Pay Your Taxes Over Time By Committing To An Installment Agreement With The IRS?

We’ve all been there. That heart-stopping moment when you realize that you owe a substantial amount in taxes and you’re not sure how you’re going to come up with the funds to pay it. Maybe you underestimated your tax liability, had unexpected income, or simply faced financial challenges that year. Whatever the reason, the thought of owing the IRS can be daunting.

But what if you could pay your tax debt over time, rather than all at once? Enter the concept of an installment agreement with the IRS. In this blog post, we’ll explore the intricacies of this option and discuss whether or not it’s a viable solution for your tax situation.

1. Understanding The Installment Agreement

At its core, an installment agreement is a payment plan with the IRS. It allows taxpayers to pay their tax debt in monthly installments rather than in a lump sum. This can make a huge difference for those who find themselves in a cash crunch come tax time.


The fresh start program IRS is an option for this. This initiative was designed to help struggling taxpayers get back on their feet. The program eases the process for setting up an installment agreement and offers more favorable terms in certain situations. The main aim is to ensure that taxpayers can meet their tax obligations without facing undue financial hardship.

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2. Eligibility Criteria For The Installment Agreement

Not everyone can simply opt for an installment agreement. The IRS has set forth certain criteria that taxpayers must meet. Some of these include:


  • Owing $50,000 or less: To apply online for an installment agreement, you must owe $50,000 or less in combined tax, penalties, and interest.
  • Being up-to-date with filing: If you want to be eligible for an installment agreement, you must have filed all your required tax returns.
  • Committing to the monthly payments: You must agree to pay the minimum monthly payment that the IRS determines.


3. Benefits Of The Installment Agreement

Apart from the obvious benefit of not having to pay a large amount upfront, there are several other advantages to opting for an installment agreement:


  • Reduced penalties: Although you’ll still face some penalties and interest on the unpaid balance, the rates are generally lower under an installment agreement than they would be if you simply ignored your tax bill.
  • Flexibility: You can often determine your monthly payment amount and due date, giving you some control over your financial situation.
  • Peace of mind: Having a structured plan in place can reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with owing money to the IRS.


4. Potential Downsides To Consider

While an installment agreement can be a lifesaver for many, it’s not without its drawbacks:


  • Accumulated interest: Until your balance is paid off, interest will continue to accrue on your tax debt.
  • Length of repayment: Depending on your balance and the monthly payment you can afford, it might take years to repay your tax debt.
  • Potential for default: If you fail to meet your monthly payments or don’t file/pay future taxes during the duration of your agreement, the IRS can terminate your installment plan.
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5. How To Apply For An Installment Agreement

If you’ve decided that an installment agreement is the right path for you, here’s how to get started:


  • Online application: If you owe $50,000 or less, you can apply online using the IRS’s Online Payment Agreement tool.
  • Paper application: For those who owe more than $50,000 or prefer not to use the online tool, you can fill out Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request, and mail it to the IRS.
  • Consult a tax professional: If your situation is complex or you’re unsure about the best way to proceed, it’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or attorney.



Facing a hefty tax bill can be overwhelming, but it’s essential to remember that you have options. An installment agreement with the IRS can be a viable solution, offering a structured and manageable way to pay off your tax debt over time. While there are pros and cons to consider, for many taxpayers, the peace of mind and financial flexibility that comes with an installment agreement make it well worth exploring. 


If you find yourself unable to pay your taxes in full, don’t panic. Take a deep breath, assess your options, and consider whether an installment agreement is the right path forward for you.

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