Normal blood sugar level chart: What is Normal Blood Sugar level in a healthy person?

Diabetes affects your body’s ability to control blood sugar (glucose). Uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to major consequences, so it is critical to check your blood sugar and keep it within the recommended blood fasting sugar level.

Nearly 9.3% of the world’s population is suffering from this disease. Diabetes is classified into two types: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes, or T1D, was first prevalent in children due to abnormal growth; often, even before birth, tiny newborns may have devastating consequences of this disease.

At the same time, Type 2 diabetes, or T2D, primarily affects individuals over the age of 35, but the global average is currently 32. Blood sugar is the major source of energy. The pancreas is responsible for producing insulin. The hormone transports glucose from the blood to the body’s cells. However, insulin is not used well or isn’t enough, leading to glucose growth in our blood.

This can increase blood fasting sugar levels.

According to the normal sugar level chart, a person with diabetes has a blood fasting sugar level of 126 mg/dL or more, whereas an average blood sugar level is 99 mg/dL or less.

When should you check your blood fasting sugar level?

Here are some symptoms –

  •   Increase in a thirst level
  •   Frequent urination
  •   Feel hungry most of the time
  •   Weight loss
  •   Ketones in the urine
  •   Fatigue
  •   Irritability
  •   Unclear vision
  •   The healing process takes more time.
  •   Skin, vaginal and other types of infections occur frequently.
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You must not eat for at least 8-12 hours before taking a blood fasting sugar level test.

Other types of blood sugar tests

Other blood sugar tests include A1C testing, glucose tolerance tests, glucose screening tests, and so on. The blood sugar level depends on the time of day, the activities you perform during the day, and hormonal changes. However, it can be said that the blood fasting sugar level is correct, but only at the moment. Therefore for a more accurate diagnosis, you must do at least 1-2 tests to confirm diabetes through different tests and procedures.

1) A1C test

The A1C Test is a percentage-based test that measures the amount of bound glucose in hemoglobin and gives you the average sugar level in blood over the previous three months. When there is more glucose in the body, hemoglobin becomes more glucose bound.

A1C Test procedure

  •   With the help of a needle from your upper arm, the technician will drain blood from the veins.
  •   The technician will use a cotton ball and press over the inserted needle area to stop bleeding. After that, bandages will be placed over the area.
  •   The procedure is called a point-of-care test.

2) Glucose Tolerance test

Before the Glucose Tolerance test, you have to do overnight fasting. It is done before and after drinking the sugar liquid. The technician will first take a blood sample before drinking the sugary liquid, and after 2-3, he will give you the sugary liquid and then do the blood sugar level test.

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Glucose Tolerance test procedure

  •   The technician will draw your blood sample before starting the test.
  •   After 2-3 hours, he will give you a liquid containing glucose and water to consume.
  •   For 2 hours, the technician will take more blood samples every 20-60 minutes.

Tips to reduce the blood sugar level in your body

There are several reasons blood sugar levels increase, like excessive exercise, improper carb counting, illness, injury, stress, insufficient insulin, hormonal changes like menopause, thyroid levels, PMS, etc.

●  Control your blood sugar with a healthy diet

You must follow a good healthy diet to control your blood sugar level; otherwise, your efforts to work out or regular walking and meditation will all go in vain. Therefore, you must avoid eating carbs, maida, and sugar content in your diet as all these can increase your blood sugar level. You must pay a lot of attention and focus on your diet and eating patterns.

●  Eat more fibers

Any food with a low glycemic index would be perfect for a person with diabetes. Fruits, salad, green vegetables, etc., are some food items that you must target in your diet to maintain your blood sugar level.

●  Exercise regularly

Daily exercise or regular body movement can be a beneficial feature to reduce your blood sugar level. A person with diabetes can feel dizzy, nauseous, breathless, or tired during workouts. Therefore, rather than a workout, you can do something simple like aerobics, yoga, swimming, and other sports that can be good exercise options. If you have been newly diagnosed or know someone who has just started, you can suggest these exercises.

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●  Manage your carbohydrate intake

Carbohydrates increase the blood sugar level as when you intake carbohydrates, its molecules dream down into small pieces and turn into glucose in the bloodstream. You must manage your carb intake, focus on low-carb snacks, and avoid refined wheat flour, sweets, candies, bread, biscuits, etc.

●  Drink more water

You can control your sugar with water and drink up to 2-3 liters of water every day.

Water molecules transport oxygen into your cells, which may help in the smoothing and protection of your joints, tissues, and other organs, as well as the elimination of toxins and ketones in cases of high blood sugar.

The Bottom-line

A person with diabetes can manage and control their blood sugar level by following a healthy diet chart for diabetes, regular exercise, checking water intake, etc. You must monitor your blood sugar level regularly for symptoms like hypo and hyperglycemia.

Monitoring blood fasting sugar levels is important for diabetes care. If your blood sugar readings are consistently falling, it indicates that your medicines, food, and other diabetes therapies are effective. 

Blood sugar levels are only suggestions. Your recommended blood sugar range may fluctuate somewhat based on your overall health, age, the amount of time you’ve had diabetes, and other things. If your blood sugar levels consistently surge too high or dip too low, consult a healthcare expert about changing your diabetes treatment strategy.

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